Why We Do This

We are veterans, helping veterans, helping businesses.

I started the company in 2017 as a continuous improvement consulting company, because I love to teach continuous improvement and six sigma, and thought I could do it better and be less expensive than the big consulting companies.

In 2018, I attended a reunion of one of my units that I deployed with. At the event, I discovered that, of the 500 individuals that were in the unit, 43 had committed suicide since we returned home.

As I investigated and tried to find out the root cause for these tragic events, it became apparent that there was a common thread behind them. When they returned home from our year-long deployment, they found themselves alone. Their families had lived without them for a year. Their friends had moved on in the year they were gone. Their jobs had moved on over the course of the year. Essentially, they returned home to a degraded or diminished support structure. They had lost purpose.

Without focus or purpose, demons crept in and they were overcome with thoughts of suicide. After I realized this, I decided to try to make a difference, and I pivoted the vision and direction of KingFisher.

Our team members utilize their talents, and share their successes with our clients.

Meanwhile, we are a self-contained support group, as all of us are veterans and have all walked a mile in each other’s boots. Our purpose is to improve our clients, while also improving ourselves. Our skills are a resource, and we seek to help those clients who have a need for our skills. We are veterans, helping veterans, helping businesses.

Kenneth King

President and Founding Partner