Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is how effectively we understand and express ourselves. It is also how well we can understand the motives and messages of others.

Research has shown that people high in emotional intelligence outperform those with high IQs. Emotional intelligence has become one of the most essential skillsets as we interact with one another. EI is not only critical in the workplace, but it also can make a big impact in our personal relationships with our friends, partners, spouses, and children.

We incorporate a number of assessment and communication tools in our training:
Core Strengths logo
Lego Serious Play

Why is Emotional Intelligence important?

Our culture continues to evolve, and acceptable behaviors have changed, even recently. Being able to understand the non-verbal messaging that others project, and ensuring that our non-verbal signals reinforce our message, are critical in effectively communicating our position and perspective.

Emotional Intelligence is critical for:

  • Effective communication
  • Stress management
  • Conflict management
  • Creating high performance teams
  • Developing effective leaders
  • Improved professional and personal development

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